Seeds of Scotland

Pea - Purple Mangetout


Pisum sativum - approximately 50 seeds.


Purple Mangetout (snow pea) produces a profusion of beautiful bi-coloured flowers which develop into deep maroon purple pods.  The pods are at their sweetest picked early, when they are flat, and eaten fresh.  If you miss a few, leave the pods to fill to use as podding peas.  This heirloom Scottish variety originated from Clydebank and was found by The Heritage Seed Library. The vigorous plants can grow up to 2m tall.





Growing Info

Pea plants will need support or something to climb up.  We sow our peas into modules in March for transplanting outside in mid/late April.  At this time the young plants may need some shelter from the wind in exposed spots.  Alternatively direct sow into the soil in April/May.   June is a good month for making sowings for late summer and autumn harvests.

Tips: Try hanging old CD's on string from the pea supports to keep the birds off, most genres tested seem to be effective.


All seeds are posted via Royal Mail 1st Class at a flat rate of £3.00. Please note, due to legislation covering inspection and sale of seeds, we can only post to Scotland, England and Wales.